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Give the best to your taste buds!

Slightly elongated cherry tomato
Tasty with a high level of sugar
Vigorous and productive
Resistant to the main soil diseases

find out more download the technical sheet
Typology Indeterminate, cherry elongated tomato
Number of seeds per gram 440
Sector Young plant producers, Seed packet companies

Fruit shape slightly elongated
Fruit weight 15-20 g

Product cultivation


snacking, aperitif

Disease resistance

HR: Fol:0,1(US1,2) ; ToMV:0,1,2



Sowing period

January, February, March


end of July, August, September

IMPORTANT : The descriptions, illustrations, photographs, advice, suggestions and vegetation cycles that may be presented herein are aimed at home gardeners exclusively and are derived from observations made in defined conditions on various trials. They are offered in all good faith, for purely informational purposes, and shall not therefore, under any circumstances, be held to be exhaustive, be taken as any form of guarantee of harvest or performance, prejudge specific factors or circumstances (either current or future), and more generally, form any kind of contractual undertaking whatsoever. The user must first and foremost ensure that his exploitation conditions, local geographical conditions, his planned growing period, his soil, the means at his disposal, his resources and his equipment, and more generally his agronomical, climatic, sanitary and environmental context are suitable for the crops, techniques and varieties that are presented herein. All the varieties illustrated in this publication were photographed in favourable conditions and no guarantee can be provided that results will be identical under different conditions. All reproductions, whether in part or in whole, of this publication (of the medium and/or the contents), in any form whatsoever, are strictly forbidden, unless specific prior permission is granted. Non contractual photos - All rights reserved - © 2023 HM.CLAUSE - Eric Martin (Artinric) - Thinkstock

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