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Our website has a brand new look!


April 27, 2023

website CHG

Design, content, interface: everything has been revamped! 

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our redesigned CLAUSE HOME GARDEN website. It is now more modern and has been designed to better meet your expectations. Easy to access and visually appealing, the website is not only customer and product oriented, but it also offers you a personalized experience. 

Why a renovated website?

We have decided to revamp our website in order to offer an even more pleasant and intuitive user experience, while still being true to the atmosphere, colors and values.  This modern and functional platform is a real showcase of the gardening activity of CLAUSE HOME GARDEN dedicated to you. It is designed to be innovative, dynamic and in line with the current behavior of Internet users. The browsing experience of each user has been carefully designed and the ergonomics of the website streamlined. New features will make navigation easier and more customized. Moreover, the graphics are elegant and sleek, with fresh colors that match the world of nature and gardening, as well as original and appealing visual content, animations and a touch of interactivity. 


What's new on the website?

Our main innovation lies in the upstream approach we used to identify individual users and their needs, to easily direct them to the content they are looking for, in the language they use. The website is now also available in German, in addition to French, English and Italian. The content and products are adapted to the country in which you operate. We have also implemented a smart search tool to quickly access the information you are looking for. The website is fully responsive, seamless and adapted to browsing on different devices, including smartphones. This way, optimal display of all content is ensured. 


A detailed source of information

The CLAUSE HOME GARDEN website represents a complete source of information on our product offer, both for Vegetables and Flowers. Thanks to a smooth and user-friendly browsing experience, you can explore the whole range of products, with different species. Each variety is complemented by beautiful photos, dynamic videos or tutorials. Moreover, the product sheets and point-of-sale information sheets are available for direct download, a real advantage! 


What's next?

The project team as well as our Business and Marketing-Communication support staff will be very attentive to your feedback, comments or suggestions. Improvements or new features will be gradually developed, depending on the feedback and new needs that may arise.


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