April 9, 2024
Caused by a fungus (Phytophthora infestans), late blight is one of the most common vegetable garden diseases.
It generally appears when temperatures are a little cooler and humidity is high. Characterized by brown spots on leaves, fruits, branches or the whole plant, this disease can cause major losses and destroy the efforts of gardeners in their vegetable gardens. Indeed, once a plant is affected, it can quickly die.
Several preventive measures are available to protect plants. Examples include prophylaxis and technical itinerary management. Clause Home Garden contributes to the latter by offering a blight resistant range of varieties. In fact, preventing late blight starts with the right choice of varieties.

As a seed company and breeder, we select varieties that meet agronomic challenges. Late blight is indeed one of them. That’s why Clause Home Garden has developed blight resistant varieties.
7 blight-resistant varieties by CLAUSE
PAOLINE, the queen of the garden

PAOLINE F1 is a variety with many qualities. Besides being blight resistant (IR), it is exceptionally tasty and productive, yet easy to grow.
PAOLINEGOURMANSUN, the blight-resistant Ananas type heart tomato

GOURMANSUN F1 adds a pop of color to your garden with its beautiful flaming flesh with red undertones when fully ripe. Tasty and juicy, it also features a good blight-resistance (IR).
GOURMANSUNBUFFALOSUN, the fleshy and flaming yellow heirloom variety

BUFFALOSUN F1 is a productive variety blight-resistant (IR). With its yellow flesh with flaming undertones when ripe, it is perfect to add a pop of color to your dishes.
BUFFALOSUNHONEY MOON, the fleshy pink heirloom tomato

With its beautiful, large, round fruits, pink in color and delicious in taste, HONEY MOON F1 has all the right cards to delight you. This fleshy heirloom variety has a vigorous plant with short internodes and IR blight resistance.
HONEY MOONCROKINI, blight-resistant cherry tomato

Productive thanks to its strong, high-quality plant, CROKINI F1 is a cherry tomato variety with deliciously sweet fruits. In addition, the fruits do not burst and hold firm on the plant. CROKINI F1 is blight resistant (IR) and has a place in every vegetable garden.
CROKINIPYROS, the must-have round tomato

PYROS F1 is also blight resistant (IR) and represents a reference variety for the vegetable garden.
PYROSFANTASIO, the blight-resistant round tomato

FANTASIO F1 is blight-resistant (IR) and produces large, round fruits that hold well on the plant.
FANTASIODiscover the blight-resistant range in our video
This video features five of CLAUSE's mildew-resistant varieties. First, rediscover CROKINI, a cherry tomato with juicy, sweet, bright red fruits. Then get to know the many qualities of PAOLINE, before focusing on HONEY MOON. Finally, take a look at the two "heart" tomato varieties in the range: GOURMANSUN, a pineapple heart, and DIAMANDIA, a red heart.